

4 Best Ways Healthcare Providers Can Benefit from Cyber Security Services

The “health sector is a valuable target for malicious cyber activity because of its highly sensitive personal data holdings, the criticality of its services, and the public trust in health sector organisations.”

This statement is from the Annual Cyber Threat Report 2023-2024, which noted that most cyber incident reports outside of government came from the healthcare and social assistance sector.

With increasing attacks on medical and healthcare service organisations, investing in cyber security services is critical. What are some key benefits healthcare providers can gain from having a professional IT partner for their cyber security needs?


1. Stronger Patient Data Protection

Cyber security services offer strong measures to keep valuable patient data safe against cyber criminals. These include:

  • Regular vulnerability assessments, to spot and fix weaknesses in your IT systems, addressing any potential IT security gaps before they are found and exploited by cyber criminals
  • Penetration testing, which involves simulating cyber-attacks on your system, aiming to identify and deal with security weaknesses within a safe environment
  • Data encryption, which converts sensitive patient data into a coded format that can only be accessed by authorised employees with the correct decryption key
  • Stringent access controls, such as password management, biometric scans, multi-factor authentication, and similar policies and technologies designed to keep your healthcare data safe


2. Advanced Compliance and Risk Management

Healthcare providers must comply with various industry regulations mandating strict data protection standards. These include the Privacy Act 1988, My Health Records Act 2012, Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010, and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) Scheme.

At ADITS, we help our clients ensure they are compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) through an exclusive Privacy Act assessment. This allows healthcare providers to efficiently review, evaluate, and demonstrate adherence to government regulations. This cyber security services add-on can enhance your compliance efforts.

Cyber security services may also include incident response planning and execution, ensuring that medical services and healthcare providers are prepared to handle any security incidents effectively. This helps maintain compliance while mitigating potential risks associated with data breaches.
(Learn more about How IT Services Can Help with Compliance in Your Medical Practice.)


3. Next-Level Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Your healthcare services organisation must be able to continue operations with the least disruption in case of a cyber-attack. Cyber security services offer business continuity planning and disaster recovery solutions for this purpose.

Your comprehensive business continuity plan can include these key points and topics:

  • Purpose and Scope
  • Types of Hazards
  • Risk Management
  • Business Restoration
  • Contingency Plans
  • Communication
  • Activation and Relocation
  • Occupational Health and Safety

With a strong and tested plan, your practice can reduce post-disaster downtime and ensure that patient care is not compromised. We mention in first episode of ADITS Unplugged that a plan should be tested yearly or after every structural change.


4. Solid Reputation and Genuine Trust

A strong cyber security posture can enhance your reputation. Patients are more likely to trust organisations that take proactive actions to prevent data breaches and communicate effectively in the event of an incident.

There is no getting around it, because trust is the foundation of your relationship with patients. By investing in cyber security, you can build trust with all your stakeholders, because it displays your commitment and capability to protect sensitive information.


Collaborative Efforts to Strengthen Cyber Security in Healthcare

While cyber security can often feel like a daunting task, especially for healthcare providers who handle sensitive patient data, it is reassuring to know that numerous initiatives have been put in place to support organisations, no matter their size. The ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats requires continuous vigilance and updated measures, but the journey to robust cyber security can start with small, manageable steps. By leveraging the resources and support provided by the Australian Government, healthcare providers can build strong defences and foster trust with their patients and stakeholders. Below are some key initiatives designed to assist organisations in enhancing their cyber security posture.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)

The Australian Government has implemented initiatives to assist with cyber security efforts. For example, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has available resources, advice, and support to Australian organisations on the website.

Healthcare providers can benefit from the Cyber Security Hotline, a 24/7 service for reporting cyber incidents and seeking advice. The ACSC also releases regular cyber security advisories and alerts, so organisations are kept informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

The Critical Infrastructure Uplift Program

The CI-UP provides funding and support to critical infrastructure organisations, including healthcare providers, to improve their cyber resilience.

The Australian Information Security Evaluation Program

The AISEP evaluates and certifies information security products and services, so that medical services and healthcare providers have access to cyber security solutions businesses can trust, whether they are based in Brisbane or anywhere else in Australia.


Securing the Future of Healthcare

Healthcare service providers in Brisbane, Townsville, or anywhere else in Queensland should invest in cyber security services to protect sensitive patient data, comply with industry regulations, ensure business continuity, and enhance their reputation. At ADITS, we can help you secure government funding.

Finding a Cyber Security Provider with Healthcare Expertise

Consider a cyber security services partner with a proven track record in the healthcare sector. This indicates familiarity with the unique challenges and regulatory requirements.

Look for a provider who offers comprehensive risk assessments, robust data encryption, and effective policies and processes tailored to healthcare needs. They should have the capacity to provide ongoing support and updates, keeping your systems secure against evolving threats.

By choosing a provider with these capabilities, you can safeguard patient data, ensure compliance, and maintain business continuity. Discover how ADITS’ CyberShield solution can help you achieve these goals.