
7 Tips to Choose the Best Password Manager

Remembering unique and complex passwords for countless online accounts can feel like an impossible task. Many users try to avoid that by simply using the same password for everything. However, this is a security risk that can lead to a data breach or a cyberattack.

To avert those, password managers are proven as an effective solution. But with different options on the market, what should you consider when choosing a password manager?

1. Make Unmatched Security Your First Priority

Security must always be paramount. Your password safety solution should be a digital fortress, where all your organisation’s credentials are well protected. These specific features can help you sleep soundly at night:

  • Encryption: Industry-standard encryption is a must. For instance, the AES-256-bit encryption is military-grade technology that scrambles your data into an unreadable format. That makes it virtually impossible for unauthorised persons to access, even if they breach the system.
  • Zero-knowledge architecture: This ensures that only you have access to your passwords. Not even the password manager or your IT manager can see or access your master password or the data stored within your vault.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step beyond just your password, such as a code sent to your phone.

2. Simplicity can Give the Best User-Friendly Experience

Complexity often becomes a barrier for most users, so choose a password manager with a user-friendly interface. This will allow everyone in your organisation to easily create, store, and manage their passwords. Look for features like:

  • Intuitive interface: A clean, well-designed interface can provide clear navigation and better functionality.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Ensure the password manager works flawlessly across all your team’s devices, from desktops and laptops to mobile phones and tablets.
  • Autofill functionality: Automatic login form filling saves time and is more accurate, reducing typographical errors.

3. Powerful Features can Enhance Password Management

Beyond basic password storage, consider additional features that streamline your organisation’s password management. These may include:

  • Secure password sharing: Allow authorised staff to securely share access to specific accounts without compromising the master password.
  • Password strength reporting: This helps to identify weak passwords within your organisation and encourages strong password creation.
  • Data breach monitoring: You can be alerted if any of your organisation’s login details appear on the dark web, which is a red flag for a data breach.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Balance Security with Your Budget

Password managers offer a range of pricing options. While free versions exist, they often come with limitations in features and user capacity. When choosing a subscription plan, consider these:

  • Number of users: Choose a plan that accommodates your current and projected team size.
  • Features required: Align your budget with the features you need for optimal password management.
  • Scalability: If your organisation is growing, ensure the password manager offers flexible plans to adjust as your needs evolve.

5. Look for Industry Recognition and Customer Trust

Reputation matters. Opt for a password manager with a proven track record of password safety and reliability. Research awards and endorsements from reputable organisations.

Also read customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into real-world experiences. This can help you decide on a password management app that aligns with your organisation’s needs.

6. Aim for Ease of Deployment and Ongoing Support

Implementing a new system can pose challenges. Choose a password manager with straightforward deployment procedures and readily available support resources. Ask about:

  • Clear documentation and training materials: User guides and training resources ensure a smooth transition for your team.
  • Dedicated customer support: Access to timely assistance when needed can be invaluable.

7. Test Drive with a Free Trial Before You Commit

Take advantage of free trials to see how the software integrates with your existing workflows and user experience. A hands-on experience can help you determine if the password manager can hack your requirements.

By considering the above tips, you will find the perfect password manager for your business. At ADITS we partner with Keeper, a trusted password management app that ticks all the boxes.

A Better Password Management Experience

Investing in a reliable password manager can greatly reduce the risk of data breaches by protecting your organisation’s sensitive information. It can also bring:

  • Increased efficiency, because automating password management saves time and improves productivity
  • Improved user experience, as employees appreciate the convenience of a smooth and speedy login process
  • Compliance with industry regulations that require sound password management practices, which a password manager can provide
  • Cost reduction, by saving on IT costs from reduced password-related support calls and less potential security incidents

Of course, a password manager is not a magic bullet – but it can mean one less thing to worry about for your digital security. A comprehensive cyber security strategy will also include Managed IT, security controls and IT governance.

To safeguard all your organisation’s digital assets, check out our CyberShield and CyberShield + solutions for comprehensive cyber security protection.

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What Is a Password Manager and Is It Really Safe?

How many accounts do you have require using a password?

Think of your email (sometimes multiple addresses), social media (too many channels), productivity platform at work, banking and finance, shopping, streaming, entertainment, gaming, education – the list goes on.

Estimates say that the average person could have dozens to hundreds of accounts. No wonder many people simply use the same password for all of them. That’s a risky practice leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks, data breaches, and identity theft. However, it’s so much easier than having to remember one password for each of your accounts, right?

There is a safer way: Password managers.

What is a Password Manager?

A password manager is like a personal digital vault. It’s an application that stores your usernames, passwords and sometimes two-factor codes for every account in an encrypted format. It requires a user to remember just one master password to access their vault – you no longer need to recall countless login details for various websites and apps.

Why Use a Password Manager?

Password managers are very convenient and save users a lot of time. As they streamline the login process, the stress and frustration that comes from trying to remember login credentials are removed.

You can also enjoy these benefits from using a password manager:

  • Stronger Passwords: Password manager apps help to generate strong, unique passwords for every account. This reduces the risk of brute-force attacks – a trial-and-error method of trying all possible passwords until the correct one is found.
  • Improved Security: Because password managers do not reuse passwords, you become less vulnerable to data breaches and identity theft. Also, secure password management solutions are aligned with the principles of cyber security services and frameworks.
  • Secure Password Sharing: Some password managers allow users to securely share login credentials with their team, which is safer than sharing plain text passwords.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Most password managers work across different devices, ensuring your login information is always accessible.

How Does a Password Manager Work?

Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Installation: You download and install a password manager app on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Creating an Account: You create an account with the password manager, using a strong and unique master password.
  3. Adding Login Credentials: For each website or application you use, simply add the login details (username and password) to your password manager. For new credentials, the password generator feature available in many password managers comes in handy.
  4. Automatic Login: When you visit a website or app, the password manager can automatically fill in your login credentials, saving you time and effort.
  5. Secure Storage: Your credentials are stored in an encrypted format within the password manager’s vault. This makes it extremely difficult for unauthorised individuals to access your data, even if they were to gain access to your device.


Are Password Managers Really Safe to Use?

You may have heard of the LastPass security breaches and wonder ‘Are password managers really secure’? While risk zero doesn’t exist, it is important to note that there was no flaw in the password manager itself. The attackers instead exploited a vulnerability in third-party software and bypassed existing controls.

This should remind us of the importance of strong security measures. Making sure you enforce strict protocols with your vendors and suppliers is as important as password management.

Our CyberShield and CyberShield+ packages have been designed with this approach in mind. Not only they include an enterprise-grade solution that allows seamless integration and management of passwords across the organisation, but they’re also built around managed IT, security controls and governance.

However, it is fair to question that if a breach happened to LastPass, it could happen to any password manager app, so let’s address that by debunking some common misconceptions:

Myth 1: Password managers are not secure.

Reputable password managers are designed to be secure. Advanced encryption technologies make it virtually impossible for hackers to access your data. Many password managers also utilise multi-factor authentication (MFA) for extra security.

Myth 2: If I lose my master password, I lose everything.

Forgetting your master password is inconvenient, but most password managers offer recovery options. It’s essential to follow the provider’s guidelines for setting up recovery methods to avoid losing access to your passwords.

Myth 3: Storing all passwords in one place is risky.

Keys are often placed together in a keyring or a key safe so they’re not scattered around loosely. In a similar way, storing all your passwords in a secure online password manager is safer than managing them manually. Just make sure your password manager enforces strong password generation and prevents password reuse, so that the risk of a data breach impacting multiple accounts is significantly reduced.

Of course, as previously mentioned, there is no risk-free password manager app. The trick is to find the most secure one that adheres to strict security measures and is perfect for your needs. Here are 7 Tips to Choose the Best Password Manager.

Myth 4: Password managers are too complicated to use.

Modern password managers are user-friendly. Many of them offer intuitive interfaces and features that simplify the password management process. For example, Keeper offers a seamless user experience with its autofill browser extension, allowing you to quickly and securely log in to your favourite websites with a single click.

Myth 5: I can remember all my passwords – so I don’t need a password manager.

We can barely remember to bring milk home on our way back from work, so how are we supposed to remember complex, unique passwords for dozens of online accounts? Relying on memory increases the likelihood of using weak or reused passwords, which can be a recipe for disaster.


Take Control of Your Digital Security

The importance of password safety is easy to underestimate or overlook. But data breaches are wake-up calls that highlight the need for a reliable password management solution.

With a secure password manager, you can enhance your online security posture and reduce the risk of cyberattacks.

At ADITS we believe that due to the constant landscape changes, a secure password management solution is a non-negotiable to create a robust defence against increasingly sophisticated threats.