How Will You Choose To Challenge This International Women’s Day?

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The theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Choose to Challenge.’ So what does this mean? What does this look like? We asked our women how they are #choosingtochallenge this International Women’s Day, in the hope that it inspires others to do the same.

Staci Yarrow – HR Manager

My journey with ADITS began nearly 12 years ago. It was a very small company with only two office staff and three technicians. When answering phone calls I would often get asked to be put through to one of the boys, as they presumed that as a female, I was not a Tech. It was back then that I always thought, how great it would be to one day have a female Tech that worked for our company. Fast forward to today and we currently have seven women at ADITS, three of which are in technical roles. As a mum of two boys, I will do my bit to ensure that the world they grow up in is one of equality, where professions don’t have a gender bias and they know that whatever path they choose to follow is fair and equal for all.

Dani Ryland-Lawson – Helpdesk Consultant

I am a gay woman in I.T., who is also a Mother and mature-aged  student at James Cook University. Juggling full-time work, study and being a Mum and Wife is definitely a challenge.
Working in a male dominated profession has it’s challenges and I will admit, it is definitely harder to get your foot in the door. But with hard work, determination and support from your family, you can push through the challenges and get to where you want to be.

Having a passion for Technology and the right mindset, I am continuously challenging myself to learn more and upskill. Here at ADITS, we are supplied with the resources and support network to be able to expand my knowledge and build my career in I.T.

Hayley Hughes – Executive Assistant

This international women’s day I will choose to challenge the gender stereotypes that affect not just women but men as well, as I believe in addressing this issue in all areas.
No one should be told they cannot or should not do something, be addressed differently or be seen as more or less capable simply because of their gender. Just as women should be valued as equal in male dominated professions, men should be encouraged to pursue professions currently dominated by women, without the judgement of being “feminine”.

It’s this judgment that not only discourages men but also shows us that to be feminine is somehow wrong. It’s this way of thinking that needs to be changed and the only way we can create change and begin to eliminate stereotypes is if we continue to challenge and call out negative comments and behaviours that encourage the divide and hierarchy between men and women.
I hope that by choosing to challenge, we can normalise having men and women across all industries and one day no longer need these discussions around gender and the roles in which we are expected to follow to be considered right.

Mikayla Lovegrove – Helpdesk Consultant

I am choosing to challenge by being present and proving that as a female Consultant, I am just as skilled as my male colleagues. I’ve proven time and time again that when I am asked to speak to a Tech, and I respond saying I am one, that I’m just as capable of resolving any issues they have. Lots of people are shocked or taken back when myself and my Team say we are techs as well, so it’s nice to be able to prove with our skills that we can assist just as well.

Also ADITS supports women in all aspects, but going through a pregnancy has shown me that ADITS 100% takes pride in looking after their employees. Management have been so kind and flexible when I have urgent appointments that come up, and understand 100% that pregnancies have unexpected turns in them. I can’t talk highly enough about how easy ADITS has made it to go to appointments, and especially to take away the stress of worrying about job security during and after baby.

Helen Hager – Finance Manager

I would like to challenge the idea of gender equality in the workplace. I feel incredibly blessed to work for ADITS where I am supported by both the men and women of the Team. The entire ADITS Team is just that…. A Team! We all work together by combining our strengths and skillsets to achieve a main goal. We’re supportive, understanding and encouraging, which is truly rare to have in a fast paced work environment of this nature. I also love the opportunities for flexible working arrangements such as working from home. I’ve personally found this extremely beneficial as a mum of three boys and with a husband who works away. I challenge other businesses to create the ADITS environment in their workplace. The benefits speak for themselves and as the good old saying goes, “A happy worker is a hard worker”!

Shannon Willcox – Marketing Manager

This International Women’s Day, I will choose to challenge my internal gender bias. Too often when I use analogies, I automatically assign those in male dominated career paths (E.g. Engineers, doctors, scientists) with male pronouns. This will have a direct impact on not only how I conduct myself, but also how I respond when recognising other’s gender bias. In my case, I am starting with the woman in the mirror, because if we all take a look at ourselves and make a change, then the world will be a better place.

Gabrielle Lockwood – Helpdesk Consultant

I will choose to challenge all gender norms that come with working in the STEM industry. I am just as capable as anyone else in my role as a Helpdesk Consultant and my ability to find a solution or achieve results is not defined by my gender.

My career journey and trying to get my foot in the door came with a lot of snarky comments along the way, but nothing motivates me more. Time and time again I will prove myself to be just as capable as anyone else.

We hope that this acts as a catalyst to support women in careers in these industries.

Remember, if you’re looking for a career change, we’re always on the lookout for new, like-minded individuals to join our team in Brisbane, Townsville, and beyond. Visit our Join the Team page and fill out the form to get started!

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